Новости компании Boeing

Квартальные убытки Boeing составили $192 млн.; компания сократила прогнозы по прибыли в 2004 году

В среду до открытия торговых площадок аэрокосмическая корпорация Boeing Co. объявила о том, что во II квартале она получила убытки против прибыли в аналогичном квартале прошлого года, а также сократила прогнозы по прибыли в следующем году, что вызвано снижением спроса на пассажирские самолеты.

По итогам квартала чистые убытки составили $192 млн., или 24 цента на акцию, что вызвано расходами в размере $693 млн., или 87 центов на акцию, связанными с подразделением по производству космической техники, говорится в заявлении Boeing. Выручка чикагской компании сократилась на 7,7% - с $13,9 млрд. до $12,8 млрд. Boeing заявила, что стабилизация авиастроительной отрасли вряд ли начнется до 2005 года, как она прогнозировала ранее, а также снизила прогноз по прибыли в 2004 году с $2,10 - $2,30 на акцию до $1,75 - $1,95 на акцию.

Прогнозы по поставкам пассажирских самолетов в 2004 году были сокращены с 275-300 машин до 275-290 лайнеров. Boeing заявила, что получила твердые заказы на 90% самолетов, запланированных к поставкам в 2004 году, т.е. примерно на 248 машин, а в текущем году она планирует поставить своим клиентам 280 лайнеров. В 2002 году объем поставок составил 381 самолет, а в 2001 году - 527 машин.

На прошлой неделе компания объявила о планах сокращения в текущем году от 4000 до 5000 рабочих мест, поскольку после спада на протяжении двух лет объем заказов так и не повысился. Прогнозы на 2003 год были сокращены с прибыли в диапазоне от 68 до 88 центов на акцию до убытков в размере 7 центов - прибыли в размере 3 центов на акцию. На прошлой неделе компания объявила об убытках подразделения по производству спутников и ракет-носителей, поскольку она прекратила безуспешные поиски коммерческих клиентов, желающих запускать космические аппараты с помощью новой ракеты-носителя Delta IV.

Во вторник котировки акций Boeing выросли на 22 цента до $32,57. За последние 12 месяцев они подешевели на 16%. В ходе утренних торгов в среду курс акций Boeing понизился на 57 центов до $32.

Источник: веб-сервер "K2Kapital"
Boeing Responds to U.S. Air Force Announcement

CHICAGO, July 24, 2003 – Boeing Chairman and CEO Phil Condit released the following statement today regarding the U.S. Air Force's suspension action in the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle rocket launch competition:

"We are extremely disappointed by the circumstances that prompted our customer’s action, but we understand the U.S. Air Force’s position that unethical behavior will not be tolerated. We apologize for our actions. We will continue to work with the Air Force to address the issues that caused this suspension.

"Last week, I asked former Senator Rudman to review the company's policies and procedures regarding ethics and the handling of competitive information. His review will include looking at any management or cultural factors that could affect how these policies and procedures are respected and enforced.

"To reinforce the impact unethical behavior has on the customer and the company, a stand-down will take place on July 30 for all 78,000 employees in our Integrated Defense Systems business unit. These employees will be briefed on today’s action taken by our Air Force customer and the events that caused it, and participate in specialized interactive ethics and procurement integrity training.

"As I've said before, I am proud of the 160,000 men and women of The Boeing Company. The unethical conduct that led to this action does not reflect the high standards that we exhibit day-in and day-out to our customers, suppliers and communities. We want to ensure that Boeing will never again have to face such criticism."
Пентагон наказал "Боинг" за нелояльную конкуренцию

Пентагон наказал "Боинг" за нелояльную конкуренцию

Пентагон объявил о введении санкций против корпорации "Боинг" вследствие незаконных методов, использованных ею в конкурентной борьбе против другого американского аэрокосмического гиганта - "Локхид-Мартин".

Санкции будут заключаться в отказе от ранее заключенных контрактов с "Боингом" на запуск военных спутников на общую сумму в $1 млрд. и передаче их его конкуренту.

В распространенном в Вашингтоне коммюнике указывается, что корпорация "Боинг" "допустила серьезные нарушения федеральных законов при заключении этих контрактов в 1998 году".

По данным американской печати, "Боингу" удалось получить доступ к внутренней документации "Локхид-Мартин" и использовать эти сведения в борьбе за подписание контрактов с Пентагоном.

Источник: информационное агентство "Интерфакс-АВН"
Туркмения заключит контракт с компанией "Боинг" сроком на 10 лет
В ближайшее время будет подписан контракт на строительство для Туркменистана нового авиалайнера "Боинг - 767-300", чьи технические параметры и дизайн были согласованы в ходе встречи президента страны Сапармурата Ниязова с коммерческим директором компании "Боинг" Альдо Базиле и руководителями компании "Гор Дизайн Комплишн" Джерри и Катрин Гор, передает "Каспийское информационное агентство". Новый самолет станет 11-м по счету лайнером марки "Боинг", принадлежащим управлению "Туркменховаеллары" (Туркменские воздушные пути), он предназначен для обслуживания президента страны. В то же время нынешний персональный самолет Ниязова - "Боинг - 757-200", после соответствующего переоборудования, будет задействован на международных линиях национальной авиакомпании.

"Боинг" для нас - это, прежде всего, надежность, безопасность и отличный сервис", - заявил Туркменбаши. По его словам, за 11 лет сотрудничества у Туркменистана не было ни единого повода усомниться в правильности сделанного выбора. В этой связи Тукмения готова подписать с компанией "Боинг" соглашение о сотрудничестве сроком на 10 лет.

Источник: информационное агентство "Regions.Ru"
Boeing Names Hullin New Communications Leader

CHICAGO, Sept. 2, 2003 – The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) today announced that Tod Hullin has been appointed senior vice president of communications. He will begin his new duties September 12.

Hullin, 60, will direct all Boeing global communications activities. As the company’s senior communications strategist, he will be responsible for developing and implementing plans across all company business units. He will report directly to Phil Condit, Boeing chairman and CEO and serve on the company’s Strategy Council and Executive Council.

“Tod’s extensive experience working with multi-divisional global companies and addressing important communication issues, including corporate brand building, will be of great value to Boeing as we continue to pursue an active and integrated global communications program,” said Condit.

Hullin has extensive senior corporate communications and public affairs experience in the federal government, the pharmaceutical industry and the entertainment industry. Most recently, he has been advising Edgar Bronfman, Jr.’s consortium on its effort to acquire the entertainment assets of Vivendi Universal. Prior positions included serving as the senior global communications officer for Time Warner, and later for The Seagram Company and Vivendi Universal.

From 1983 to 1991, Hullin served in senior positions for global pharmaceutical companies Searle Pharmaceuticals and SmithKline Beecham.

He began his professional career in 1969 in the Executive Office of the President as a member of the White House staff. He moved to the White House Domestic Council staff in 1971, and to the Domestic Council for Housing and Community Development in 1974. In 1976 he was appointed the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Public Affairs, serving under Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Hullin graduated from the University of Washington in 1966 with a bachelor’s degree in business.
Boeing 777-300ER Completes Refused Takeoff Flight Tests

The Boeing [NYSE:BA] 777-300ER (Extended Range), the newest airplane in the 777 family, has recently completed refused takeoff testing at Edwards Air Force Base, California. A refused takeoff is where the pilot prepares for a takeoff, but then uses maximum brake energy to stop the fully-loaded airplane -- 775,000 pounds (351,534 kilograms) for these tests. Because the tests measure braking performance, thrust reversers are not used. The brakes become hot and "glow" due to the amount of energy they absorb during the tests. Often during these types of tests small fires can occur due to the hot brakes, but no fires occurred during the 777-300ER tests. Certification tests were completed using 100 percent of maximum brake energy with fully worn brakes. Two different 777-300ER brake systems -- manufactured by Goodrich and Messier-Bugatti -- were certified successfully.

Two 777-300ER airplanes currently are undergoing 1,600 hours of flight testing. Certification of the 777-300ER by U.S. and European regulatory authorities is slated for early next year. The first 777-300ER will be delivered April 2004 to International Lease Finance Corp.'s customer, Air France.
В фильме про 747 говорили, что стоимость одного этого теста - порядка миллиона баксов.
Сделка Boeing на $20 млрд под угрозой срыва

05 сентября 2003

Американский сенатор Джон Маккейн может заблокировать контракт компании Boeing на поставку 100 самолетов-топливозаправщиков для американских ВВС общей стоимостью более $20 млрд. Он считает, что от заключения этой сделки выиграет только Boeing, но не налогоплательщики.
Boeing вела многотрудные переговоры по контракту в течение двух лет. Но в последний момент Маккейн, председатель сенатского комитета по торговле, выступил с заявлением о том, что данный контракт - это "вымогательство со стороны военно-промышленных групп". По его словам, правительство пытается помочь Boeing поддержать производство самолетов серии 767, хотя армии они не очень нужны.

В доказательство своих слов Маккейн, один из самых авторитетных американских законодателей в области обороны, предоставил сотни документов, которые он получил от Boeing, начальства ВВС и бюджетного комитета правительства. Это переписка и электронные сообщения, подтверждающие, насколько упорно компания лоббировала контракт. Самыми неприятными для Boeing могут оказаться письма, в которых представители власти выражают желание поддержать компанию.

Последние несколько дней военным приходилось отвечать на вопросы Маккейна и других конгрессменов на парламентских слушаниях. Комитеты по обороне сената и палаты представителей конгресса уже одобрили сделку с Boeing. Но окончательное решение должен принимать весь парламент.

Сделка не нравится депутатам в том числе и потому, что это лизинговый контракт, в то время как покупка самолетов обошлась бы бюджету дешевле. В мае начальство ВВС оценило контракт в $16 млрд. Купить самолеты было бы ненамного дороже, а по условиям готовящейся сделки по прошествии шести лет правительству придется доплатить еще $4 млрд, чтобы их выкупить.

Еще законодателей волнует то, что по соглашению с ВВС для производства и сдачи самолетов в аренду Boeing должен будет создать отдельную компанию. "[Проект Boeing] выглядит так, будто он был списан с бизнес-плана Enron, - говорит Питер Фитцджеральд, сенатор из штата Иллинойс, где находится штаб-квартира Boeing. "ВВС используют специально создаваемую структуру таким образом, что реальная цена самолетов и детали контракта не до конца известны", - отмечает он.

Вчера Маккейн продолжал отстаивать свою точку зрения на заседании сенатского комитета по вооруженным силам, чей вердикт будет решающим для контракта с Boeing.

В числе документов, представленных Маккейном и касающихся переговоров с Boeing, - письмо Джорджу Бушу от Нормана Дикса, конгрессмена из штата Вашингтон, где Boeing собирается производить самолеты серии 767. В письме Дикс просит Белый дом посодействовать сделке, чтобы поддержать бизнес Boeing, пострадавший из-за терактов 11 сентября 2001 г. "Поддержать авиастроительную отрасль целесообразно и необходимо, - писал Дикс в октябре 2001 г. - У нас есть уникальная возможность решить одновременно и проблемы Boeing, и острые вопросы модернизации ВВС и морской авиации".

Некоторые из электронных сообщений могут также стать доказательством того, что Boeing получал от военных конфиденциальную информацию, касающуюся своего главного конкурента в оборонной области - европейского концерна Airbus. Европейская компания тоже пытается договориться с США о поставках A330, переоборудованных под топливозаправщики. В электронном письме от одного из руководителей Boeing другому говорится, что один из высших чинов ВВС "несколько раз предупреждал", что цена A330 на $5 - 17 млн ниже, чем у Boeing-767.

На слушаниях в среду отбиваться от атак Маккейна пришлось Джеймсу Рошу, министру ВВС, и представителям Boeing. Из полученных Маккейном электронных сообщений следует, что Boeing активно обрабатывал Роша, чтобы провести контракт на поставку заправщиков сначала через комитет Маккейна, а потом через конгресс.

Рош сообщил, что находящимся на вооружении самолетам-заправщикам больше 40 лет и они начинают ржаветь, поэтому решение ведомства как можно скорее начать закупку новых машин обоснованно. "Я считаю, что мы завершаем сделку, которая нам нужна", - сказал Рош. (WSJ, FT, 2 - 4. 09. 2003, Кирилл Корюкин)
Про 737.. В июне было про него, шо он на земле такой весь пушистый...
Не совсем так. САС даже для персонала спец.фильм сделали, коды вводили 737-600.. Шоб машинист тележки не вьехад в движок (по ихним инструкциям, к 737НГ нельзя машинисту управляя каром ехать без напарника). Ведь весь "поезд" должон проходить в 20см от двигуна...
Некоторые итоги сотрудничества Boeing с Японией в области вертолетостроения

Начиная с 1984 года японская компания Kawasaki Heavy Industries по лицензии построила для японских военно-воздушных сил обороны около 60 вертолетов Boeing СН-47 Chinook. Японские ВМС самообороны располагают вторым по численности парком ракет Boeing "Гарпун".

А в августе 2001 года наземные силы самообороны Японии для замены своего парка устаревших противотанковых вертолетов выбрали в качестве боевого вертолета Boeing AH-64D Longbow.

Корреспондент: Наталья Автушко
Источник: веб-сервер "АвиаПорт.Ру"
Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner Progress Continues

EVERETT, Wash., Sept. 9, 2003 -- From the airplane design to the business case, progress is strong on all fronts of the 7E7 program. Mike Bair, senior vice president of the 7E7 program, said the team of Boeing [NYSE: BA] employees and suppliers is meeting the high expectations required to meet the program objectives.

The design of the 7E7 family of airplanes has been refined over the past three months and new clarity reached in the definition of the capabilities of the two prime family members, the baseline 7E7 and a 7E7 Stretch.

The baseline 7E7, at a length of 186 feet (56.7 m) will carry about 200 passengers in three classes of seating on routes as long as 6,600 nautical miles (12,200 km).

With an increased length of 202 feet (61.6 m), the 7E7 Stretch will accommodate 250 passengers in three-class seating. Its range capability will be 8,000 nautical miles.

"These two airplanes create a dynamic family that is very interesting to the airlines of the world," Bair said. "We are now working with more than 50 airlines. We meet with them to understand their requirements and share our progress."

In addition to the decreased operating costs associated with the 7E7 because of its more fuel efficient performance, increased revenue potential from cargo capability is drawing customer interest.

The baseline 7E7, with room for five pallets of cargo and five standard LD-3 containers, has 57 percent more cargo space as compared to the A300-600, the Airbus product of roughly the same size. With room for six pallets of cargo and eight LD-3 containers, the 7E7 Stretch has 44 percent more cargo space than the A330-200.

"Cargo is an important part of the revenue stream for airlines," Bair explained. "The cargo market is growing faster than the passenger market and it tends to be more consistent during difficult times."

The Boeing 7E7 is scheduled to enter revenue service in 2008.
Boeing establishes links with Italian aerospace research cen

NAPLES, Italy, Sept. 16, 2003 – Boeing (NYSE: BA) and Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA), the Italian aerospace research center, today signed a memorandum of understanding to investigate and develop technology projects of mutual interest.

As a first step, during the next four months, representatives from Boeing, an established leader in aerospace technology development, and CIRA, one of the leading aviation and space technology research organizations in Europe and a key member of the Campania Aerospace Research Network in Italy, will discuss technology projects for possible collaboration.

“Boeing and CIRA both desire the continued development of the global and Italian aerospace industry and wish to investigate together how we might be able to collaborate in the development of technologies that are beneficial to both parties,” said Rinaldo Petrignani, president of Boeing Italy.

“Italian participation in major aerospace programs will inevitably grow in depth and importance as the country’s scientific and engineering centers of excellence increase their interaction with companies such as Boeing,” Petrignani said. “This is a win-win opportunity for Italy and Boeing.”

The initial focus will be on exploratory studies for technology projects associated with a number of Boeing initiatives including the Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner, a super-efficient airplane that is under development, as well as technology projects involving the use of CIRA test facilities, including an icing wind tunnel and a plasma wind tunnel.

In addition, Boeing and CIRA will work together to define possible technology projects related to the development of Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) systems and the interoperability of UAVs within existing aviation infrastructure. Also, there will be a focus on technology projects that support Boeing’s requirements for industrial participation in Italy stemming from the Italian 767 Tanker Transport program.

“As rich in intellectual capital as Boeing is, we are not relying exclusively on our own resources to generate new ideas and innovative solutions,” said Miller Adams, vice president of Boeing Ventures and the technology planning and acquisition group of Boeing Phantom Works, the advanced research and development unit of the company that spearheaded the memorandum of understanding.

“We are reaching out globally to find the best talent and technologies that can be applied to aerospace applications,” said Adams, who signed the agreement for Boeing. “We are very much looking forward to working with CIRA to not only help us meet the challenges of the future, but also to shape the future.”

The Italian Space Agency and National Research Council own the majority of the shares of CIRA, while the regional government (Regione Campania) and major Italian aerospace companies also hold shares.

As Boeing’s advanced research-and-development unit, Phantom Works is the catalyst for innovation for the Boeing enterprise. Phantom Works collaborates with Boeing business units, as well as with external customers and suppliers, universities, venture capital funds, and other R&D agencies, to provide a broad base of innovative and affordable technologies not only for developing future Boeing systems and services but also for improving current ones.
Boeing Projects $197 Billion Market for New Airplanes in Chi

BEIJING, Sept. 16, 2003 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] detailed its 2003 Current Market Outlook (CMO) for the People's Republic of China today, forecasting a requirement in China for nearly 2,400 new jet airplanes worth $197 billion over the next 20 years.

China's airlines will add 1,960 new airplanes to serve domestic markets including Hong Kong and Macau. Nearly 440 new airplanes will be added by China's airlines to provide international service.

Regional jets and single-aisle airplanes will account for 87 percent of the airplanes delivered to serve the domestic market. More than 560 intermediate-size, twin-aisle airplanes will be delivered to serve both domestic and international markets.

By 2022, Chinese carriers will be flying more than 2,850 passenger and cargo airplanes, making China's fleet the largest outside of the United States. In fact, China's commercial jet fleet will quadruple in size over the next twenty years.

In 2022, single-aisle airplanes will remain the core of China's fleet, representing nearly two-thirds of the total. Ten percent of the units in the 2022 fleet will be small and intermediate-size regional jets. Another 22 percent will be intermediate-size, twin-aisle airplanes, and just four percent will be 747-size and larger.

The need for new airplanes is required to support a 7.1 percent annual increase in air travel in China from 2003 to 2022, compared to the world average of 5.1 percent. Travel growth for key traffic flows involving China include:

China to: Growth
China (domestic) 8.4%
North America 5.0%
Asia-Pacific 4.9%
Europe 5.4%

"China is one of the fastest growing markets in the world for commercial aviation," said Randy Baseler, vice president of Marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "China's 20-year Gross Domestic Product (GDP) forecast is 6.2 percent -- the highest in the world, and Boeing projects that domestic air travel growth will outpace the GDP growth over the next two decades."

The Boeing forecast estimates the world fleet will more than double by 2022 to a total fleet size of 34,000 airplanes. In the same forecast period, 5,890 airplanes will be retired from active commercial service and replaced. During the next 20 years, airlines will take delivery of more than 24,000 airplanes worth $1.9 trillion in 2002 US dollars. The full forecast is available at www.boeing.com/commercial/cmo.
Boeing Portable Maintenance Aid Reaches 100-Customer Milesto

CARDIFF, WALES, Sept. 17, 2003 -- Today, 100 airlines of varying fleet size throughout the world use the Boeing [NYSE: BA] Portable Maintenance Aid (PMA) to quickly troubleshoot maintenance issues on jetliners and improve airplane dispatch reliability. The powerful PMA software is a digitized library of key technical information contained in a few compact discs, which can be loaded onto a mechanic's laptop computer for quick access when servicing an airplane at the airport gate.

"It is very gratifying that so many airlines have found our Portable Maintenance Aid to be an important tool in improving productivity in their daily operations," said Lou Mancini, vice president of Maintenance Services at Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "We are committed to our customers' success, and we are very pleased to be offering a product that provides them with so much value."

The current PMA product offers significant time-saving advantages for aircraft troubleshooting, which Boeing estimates can reduce the time needed to search and retrieve information by as much as 40 percent:

The software can be loaded onto a mechanic's laptop computer for quick access when servicing an airplane in the airport gate environment.

Advanced search capability and hyperlinks connect related references in text, allowing instant access to any part of various maintenance documents and manuals.

Intelligent graphics technology enables users to point-and-click on a highlighted area of an illustration and instantly bring troubleshooting text into view.

Available in standard and user-customizable versions, the PMA software is network compatible, allowing access by multiple users on a local server. Engineering staffs find it particularly useful for analyzing technical problems and issuing work orders.

PMA is part of an expanding integrated product suite offered by Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, a unit of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Other IT product offerings include Enterprise One, a comprehensive maintenance management system for airlines; and Allowable Configuration Manager, a software module that centralizes configuration management via a Web-browser-based illustrated parts catalog and provisioning files. The products, services and integrated solutions offered by Boeing Commercial Aviation Services help airlines improve fleet utilization, reduce costs, leverage leading-edge information management, and ensure passenger well-being.
Boeing Innovates Technology for the Future of Flight

BEIJING, Sept. 17, 2003 -- Today, The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] outlined its strategy for commercial airplane technological development during a press briefing at Aviation Expo China 2003. Boeing Commercial Airplanes combines a strong focus on building the highest quality airplanes with the development and application of new and innovative technologies that continuously improve safety, passenger comfort, operational efficiency and environmental responsibility.

"We apply pioneering technologies to our airplanes and services based on the needs of the marketplace," said Randy Tinseth, director of Product and Services Marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "These investments mean more value for our customers and passengers, which is why Boeing leads the industry with exciting new airplane developments in every size category."

Boeing offers a complete line of world class, efficient airplanes ranging from 100 to well over 400 seats, and the company's legacy includes airplanes such as the 707, 747, and 777 that have brought dramatic improvements to air travel.

The central focus of Boeing product development efforts is the study of new technologies that can be applied to the full line of Boeing jetliners, as well as the 7E7 "Dreamliner."

The keys to the development of the 7E7 "Dreamliner" are the same as the initiatives that are being pursued across the board: airplane efficiency, economics, passenger comfort, reduced emissions and quiet operations.

"Our investments in the future must not be limited to just new airplanes, we also must continue the enhancement of our current product line, incorporating appropriate new technology and more capability," Tinseth said. "This means more value for our customers, as we work with them in leading the industry with exciting new airplane developments in every size category."

The work that Boeing and our technology partners have conducted, including the examination of new configurations, propulsion, manufacturing processes, flight-deck technologies and advanced materials and systems, will provide incremental benefits as they are incorporated into new airplane variants.

Updating on the development of the 7E7 "Dreamliner," Tinseth said that Boeing is making excellent progress on a number of fronts.

"With the 7E7, Boeing continues the tradition of leading the way – using innovative technology to advance the future of flight with revolutionary new products," Tinseth said. "The 7E7 will be the next great advancement in flight, offering a new world of possibilities. It will be a new sensation for passengers, a new model of success for airlines, and an environmental leader."
Американская компания "Боинг" открывает сегодня русскоязычный интернет-сайт www.boeing.ru
Запуск интернет-сайта приурочен к 10-летию открытия представительства компании "Боинг" в России/СНГ, которое отмечается в этом месяце.

"Это значительное событие для русскоязычных пользователей интернета, и для всех, кто интересуется тем, как сотрудничает компания "Боинг" с российскими партнерами в области авиации, космоса и телекоммуникаций", - сказал Сергей Кравченко, Президент компании "Боинг" в России/СНГ.

На сайте www.boeing.com размещена информация о корпорации "Боинг", всех ее подразделениях и основных направлениях их деятельности; биографии руководителей корпорации и топ менеджеров; приводятся также основные программы, которые реализует в настоящее время "Боинг" в области авиации, космоса и телекоммуникаций.

Особое место на сайте отводится программам, реализуемым "Боингом" в России и государствах СНГ, включая описание проектов, которые успешно выполнены или находятся в стадии выполнения.

Интернет-сайт также рассчитан на журналистов, пишущих по аэрокосмической тематике, и может стать полезным источником дополнительной информации к глобальным сайтам www.boeing.com и www.boeingmedia.com, которыми ежедневно пользуются журналисты из многих стран мира. На новом интернет-сайте уже размещены последние пресс-релизы компании "Боинг" на русском языке, и их список будет постоянно пополняться.

Новый сайт построен таким образом, чтобы его посетители могли легко получить доступ к другим интернет-продуктам компании "Боинг", а также к интернет ресурсам по широкой тематике, включая, аэрокосмическую.

"Боинг" со штаб-квартирой в г. Чикаго (США) является крупнейшей в мире авиа космической компанией, поставляющей свою продукцию в 145 стран мира.

Источник: компания "Boeing
"Боинг" отмечает 10-е открытия представительства в

Компания "Боинг" отмечает десятилетие открытия своего представительства в Mоскве

Американская компания "Боинг" отмечает 10-летие открытия своего представительства в России/СНГ. В сентябре 1993 года в Газетном переулке, в центре Москвы начал работать Научно-Технический Центр компании "Боинг". Он координировал программы сотрудничества "Боинга" на территории бывшего Советского Союза.

В 1998 году был открыт Конструкторский центр компании "Боинг", в котором были реализованы более 450 проектов по модификации всего ряда гражданских самолетов производства компании "Боинг", а также элементов Международной Космической Станции. В настоящее время в Конструкторском центре работает более 500 российских специалистов, и он является крупнейшим в Восточной Европе центром по автоматизированному проектированию авиационных и космических конструкций.

"Мы рады присутствовать на этом мероприятии, посвященном празднованию десятилетия работы компании "Боинг" в России. "Боинг" уже в течение продолжительного периода времени успешно сотрудничает с организациями и предприятиями России и стран СНГ. Мы гордимся успехами, достигнутыми в реализации многочисленных совместных программ в аэрокосмической области. Работа в России является одним из элементов стратегии глобализации бизнеса компании "Боинг". В течение следующего десятилетия мы надеемся реализовать еще больше взаимовыгодных проектов и программ,"-сказала Лоретт Кельнер (Laurette Koellner), Исполнительный вице-президент и административный руководитель Совета директоров корпорации "Боинг". Она прибыла в Москву с группой топ менеджеров корпорации на торжества по случаю десятилетия открытия представительства "Боинга" в России/СНГ.

"За десять лет мы прошли огромный путь, помогая российской аэрокосмической промышленности и науке оставаться в числе мировых лидеров в этой области. Все это время мы реализовывали сложные проекты, работая, рука об руку", сказал Сергей Кравченко, президент компании "Боинг" в России/СНГ. "Наша долгосрочная стратегия взаимовыгодного сотрудничества в России всегда базировалась на уважении к российской аэрокосмической промышленности, уверенности в ее будущем и создании сотен новых рабочих мест в Российской Федерации".

Среди реализуемых "Боингом" программ в России и государствах СНГ: закупки титана на ВСМПО для производства гражданских самолетов, совместная работа по открытию кросс-полярных маршрутов через территорию России, участие в проекте создания Российского регионального самолета совместно с компанией "Сухой", сотрудничество с ведущими российскими компаниями в области информационных технологий, работы по проекту МКС и программе "Морской старт". По контрактам с компанией "Боинг" работают сотни специалистов в шести городах России и странах СНГ.

В настоящее время около 80 самолетов производства компании "Боинг" эксплуатируются авиакомпаниями России и СНГ для перевозки пассажиров и грузов на внутренних и международных маршрутах. Это 80 процентов самолетного парка западного производства авиакомпаний России и СНГ.

"Боинг" со штаб-квартирой в г. Чикаго (США) является крупнейшей в мире авиа космической компанией, поставляющей свою продукцию в 145 стран мира.

Источник: компания "Boeing"
Boeing высоко оценивает перспективы развития авиарынка в КНР

Корпорация Boeing высоко оценивает перспективы развития авиарынка в КНР

Объем авиаперевозок в Китае утроится за ближайшие 20 лет. Такой прогноз, по сообщению газеты "Чайна дейли", дал Рэндолф Базелер, заместитель главы департамента маркетинга корпорации Boeing.

Учитывая величину территории и масштабы населения КНР, Китаю через 20 лет для осуществления возросшего объема перевозок придется построить или приобрести за рубежом 2,4 тыс. самолетов общей стоимостью $197 млрд. 87% количества составят широкофюзеляжные авиалайнеры, считает Р.Базелер.

Источник: информационное агентство "Интерфакс"
Boeing Releases Proposed 717-300X Rendering

September 18 , 2003

Boeing [NYSE: BA] today released an artist’s concept of its proposed 717-300X passenger jet, which would answer airlines’ demand for a larger, short-range, high-frequency airplane.

Development and launch of the 717-300X, which has been offered to several airlines, depends on it attracting a sufficient number of orders.

Boeing currently produces the 717-200, which typically has 106 seats and is the world’s best jetliner in its class. The 717-300X would typically carry 130 passengers in a two-class configuration. The 717-300X would be138.3 ft. (42.2 m) long, compared to 124 ft. (37.8 m) for the -200. The -300X would have higher maximum take-off and space limited payload weights, and greater engine thrust than the -200. The -300X also would have a service door behind the wing.

If launched, delivery of the 717-300X is targeted for the second half of 2006.
An 'Office' With a View

Boeing women test pilots on guts and grandeur

In 1985, Capt. Suzanna Darcy-Hennemann (left) was named a production test pilot, becoming the first woman hired in this capacity at The Boeing Company. Currently, Darcy is an integral member of the 777 flight-test program. Capt. Rose Loper (right) became the first woman pilot hired by Boeing when she accepted the position of chief corporate helicopter pilot in 1983. Loper is now responsible for post production flight testing for Boeing airplanes.
"For better or worse, I can't think back to a time when I didn't want to fly airplanes," said Capt. Darcy, Boeing Flight Operations. "Some pilots are just born knowing that they want to fly, and I'm in that category."

Darcy, an 18-year flight-test veteran and one of four women airplane test pilots at The Boeing Company, is no stranger to challenges concerning typified gender roles.

"When I first started out in the aviation field, there were no women currently flying in the military or for commercial airlines," Darcy said. "There were no footprints in the snow. My strategy was to eliminate any reasons why someone wouldn't hire me as a pilot, like inadequate training or experience. In the end, I had several jobs at Boeing and was the first woman to perform each one."

Darcy is the lead pilot aboard the second test airplane for Boeing's latest 777 airplane, the Boeing 777-300ER, which entered the flight-test program in early April. In this role, Darcy conducts testing on overall engine performance, including fuel mileage testing and noise regulation evaluation, in different environments and under a variety of conditions.

All four women captains initially joined Boeing as engineers, but were captivated by flying and intrigued with the opportunities the company provided men and women in this field.

Capt. Heather Ross, a Boeing flight-test pilot since 1997, also recalls childhood dreams of piloting. At the age of four she was already regularly flying back and forth from her hometown of Montreal to Seattle visiting family.

"I had an early exposure to aviation, so I've always loved flying," Ross said. "When I started attending the University of Washington, I knew I was good at math and I started checking out career options involving aeronautical engineering. I also was taking private flying lessons."

Ross's propensity toward flying led her down several career paths. She first became a flight-test engineer at Boeing. In order to get more flight training and experience, she became a pilot in the U.S. Air Force. Post military, she flew as a commercial pilot for a well-known airline. With a diverse set of skills and experience in tow, Ross then returned to Boeing as a flight-test pilot – a job that fuses together a distinct set of abilities and talent within a flexible and varied environment.

"Being a test pilot requires a unique blend of engineering and piloting skills that you can't find in any other job," Ross said. "It's exciting because we work with leading-edge technology and have the opportunity to fly airplanes today that the airlines won't see until five years from now."

Sixteen-year flight-test veteran Rose Loper began her flying career in the U.S. Army flying helicopters. In 1983, Capt. Loper became the first woman pilot hired by Boeing when she accepted the position of chief corporate helicopter pilot three years after joining the company as a ground operations engineer.

"At the time I joined the army, women were just starting to fly in the military," Loper said. "The thought of flying as a career had never before entered my mind. But when the opportunity presented itself it sounded like a good adventure."

Capt. Christine Walsh at The Boeing Company conducts flight testing on Boeing 737, 757, 767 and 777 production airplanes. She also works on several military flight-test programs.
Capt. Christine Walsh, who fell in love with airplanes after working at Boeing as a Payloads engineer on the AWACS program, has been a flight-test pilot for Boeing since 1999. She likes the fact that the job is as challenging in the air as it is on the ground.

"Working as a flight-test pilot is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to grow as a pilot and as an engineer," Walsh said. "I enjoy the problem-solving involved in the job almost as much as the flying."

In the pilot's seat

Boeing test pilots have an awesome responsibility when leading a flight-test team: to ensure that customers receive a service-ready, safe and airworthy airplane. When launching a new airplane, this involves flying the aircraft around the world to test performance in different conditions, such as crosswinds, tailwinds, natural ice and hot and humid weather. The team is responsible for validating an airplane's durability, longevity and maintainability, working with the Federal Aviation Administration during every process.

In production testing, the job involves coordinating with engineers for product improvement, manufacturing teams for problem resolution and delivering airplanes. Pilots also are responsible for the final quality check of every Boeing airplane prior to delivery. This includes conducting a demonstration flight with a customer flight crew.

According to Loper, the customer demonstration flight can be the most challenging part of the job.

"We conduct a two-hour flight test during the first flight, and then document items that require additional adjustment prior to delivery," Loper said. "The demo flight is the most arduous because we're working with crews from different countries around the world."

In addition to being a production flight-test captain at The Boeing Company for Boeing 737, 757 and 767 airplanes, Capt. Heather Ross also is a qualified formation pilot and performs formation/airborne photography flights, and supports engineering flight tests as the flight schedule allows.
Similarly, Ross describes the demonstration flight as requiring the best balancing act between culture, language and business.

"Sometimes difficulties arise when technical information and intricacies don't translate well," Ross said. "As the Boeing pilot, we're in control of the airplane, but you have to be sensitive to the customer's background. At the pre-flight briefing, we try to best determine their ability, experience and comfort level, as all customer representatives may not be accustomed to our unique testing maneuvers -- such as shutting down engines in flight."

Darcy, who flight tests new airplane models, also agrees that communication is critical on test flights, especially when working with various crews, airports and air traffic control facilities.

"As a lead on a test flight, I rely on the crew to communicate problems to me, such as a problem with the test equipment," she said. "I try to create an atmosphere that promotes easy communication within the group, but sometimes it's challenging. Like a crew member says, 'sometimes it's chicken; sometimes it's feathers.'"

Talent tops gender

When asked whether being a woman has helped or hindered their flying careers, the women concur that, overall, it's never stopped them from doing what they want to do. Although gender issues do sometimes surface – particularly when dealing with Middle Eastern cultures – they mostly recount positive experiences when leading the testing process and consistently describe their coworkers at Boeing as absolutely supportive.

"Flying and engineering are largely male-dominated fields," Walsh said. "Some customers still are surprised when a woman shows up as their captain for the day."

According to Darcy, whether you're a female or a male pilot bears little significance to the task at hand.

"I was fortunate to be raised by a family of goal-setters," she said. "I was taught that if you had a passion to do or be something, it didn't matter if it hadn't been done yet or if a woman hadn't done it yet, as long as you were dedicated to your goal. That was our family attitude."

In Ross' experience, however, being a woman in the aviation field can be "a double-edged sword." For example, when she first joined the Air Force a female pilot had just quit, so others were wondering if she'd complete the program since she also was a woman. Similarly, when working at the airline, she heard unfavorable stories about women being hired with below-average flight hours, which didn't help her credibility. Yet, she feels being a woman pilot brings out her inherit strengths, such as prioritizing well and using her intuition.

"The good thing about working at Boeing is that there aren't any gender quotas to fill, and no one is constantly measuring you up to someone else," Ross said. "We're all part of a working team. It doesn't really matter if you're a woman or not – just that you can fly airplanes."

Darcy agrees. "During my flying career, the question always was did I have the skills to fly or not," she said. "I think of it this way: I'm not a woman pilot – I'm a pilot that happens to be a woman."

What it takes

Tantamount to superb flying skills, being a test pilot requires extensive knowledge of the airplane, an adventurous spirit and unwavering fortitude. Two main factors contribute toward the pilots' confidence and ability to get the job done: trust in the ground crews who prepare the aircraft for flight, and self-assurance in their pilot training.

"First of all, flight testing is a team event, and the ground-based mechanics and quality support inspectors form the foundation of that team," Loper said. "Secondly, we rely upon our own training. Test pilots are well-trained on the aircraft they fly and the emergencies that may occur."

Walsh describes this teamwork between Engineering, Flight Test and other departments as "the secret to flight testing." The result is a confident, prepared and supportive team.

"I'm never apprehensive to be the first person to fly a new airplane because I'm totally confident that everyone at Boeing has done their job," said Darcy. "We have the best people in the world putting our airplanes together, and our crews have extensive training."

Additionally, much of the testing is performed before the airplane and crew leave the ground.

"The crew performs numerous checks before takeoff to prove the airworthiness of the airplane, such as flight-control checks and high-speed taxi tests, which test the engines, thrust reversers and brakes," Ross said. "We've had a few situations where things haven't gone exactly right, but never anything critical."

If problems do arise during the testing, the crew is trained to respond quickly and to continue the process.

"As a test progresses each situation is dealt with by the entire flight crew in a calm and methodical manner utilizing good crew resource management," Loper said. "It is our job to document what may need to be repaired or adjusted on the aircraft – ranging from a burned out light bulb to an engine that shuts down."

All in a day's work

Flight testing can be intense and demanding, and it takes a certain kind of person to earn a test-pilot's wings.

One thing's for sure. These four women have the passion, ambition, guts and leadership required to flight-test Boeing aircraft with proficiency and verve.

"Although everyone in our department comes from different backgrounds and has different life stories," Darcy said. "We all have something in common – our love of flying."

Along with their rigorous schedules and exhilarating careers, they also aspire to additional life goals and dreams. Ross – a mother of two boys – is currently pregnant. Walsh hopes to one day earn her wings as an astronaut. Loper, in addition to serving her country as a Brigadier General in the U.S. Army Reserve, looks forward to sailing after retirement. And on every flight, Darcy tells herself to take time to look out the window and remember how very fortunate she is to be doing something she loves.

"When I'm on a test flight, I take a moment and think about how lucky I am to be in the captain's chair on the flight deck aboard the world's best airplanes," Darcy said. "My 'office' really does have the best view of the world."