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для Европы JAR-OPS:
JAR-OPS 1.125 Documents to be carried
(See Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS
(a) An operator shall ensure that the following
are carried on each flight:
(1) The Certificate of Registration;
(2) The Certificate of Airworthiness;
(3) The original or a copy of the Noise
Certificate (if applicable)[, including an English
translation, where one has been provided by the
Authority responsible for issuing the noise
(4) The original or a copy of the Air
Operator Certificate;
(5) The Aircraft Radio Licence; and
(6) The original or a copy of the Third
party liability Insurance Certificate(s).
(b) Each flight crew member shall, on each
flight, carry a valid flight crew licence with
appropriate rating(s) for the purpose of the flight.
JAR-OPS 1.130 Manuals to be carried
JAR-OPS 1.110 Portable electronic devices
(a) An operator shall ensure that:
(1) The current parts of the Operations
Manual relevant to the duties of the crew are
carried on each flight;
(2) Those parts of the Operations Manual
which are required for the conduct of a flight are
easily accessible to the crew on board the
aeroplane; and
(3) The current Aeroplane Flight Manual
is carried in the aeroplane unless the Authority has
accepted that the Operations Manual prescribed in
JAR-OPS 1.1045, Appendix 1, Part B contains
relevant information for that aeroplane.
preserved on the ground; and
JAR-OPS 1.135 Additional information and
forms to be carried
(a) An operator shall ensure that, in addition to
the documents and manuals prescribed in JAR-OPS
1.125 and JAR-OPS 1.130, the following information
and forms, relevant to the type and area of operation,
are carried on each flight:
(1) Operational Flight Plan containing at
least the information required in JAR-OPS 1.1060;
(2) Aeroplane Technical Log containing
at least the information required in JAR-OPS
(3) Details of the filed ATS flight plan;
(4) Appropriate NOTAM/AIS briefing
(5) Appropriate meteorological
6) Mass and balance documentation as
specified in Subpart J;
(7) Notification of special categories of
passenger such as security personnel, if not
considered as crew, handicapped persons,
inadmissible passengers, deportees and persons in
(8) Notification of special loads including
dangerous goods including written information to
the commander as prescribed in JAR-OPS
(9) Current maps and charts and
associated documents as prescribed in JAR-OPS
(10) Any other documentation which may
be required by the States concerned with this flight,
such as cargo manifest, passenger manifest etc; and
Authority access to any documents and records
(11) Forms to comply with the reporting
requirements of the Authority and the operator.
(b) The Authority may permit the information
detailed in sub-paragraph (a) above, or parts thereof,
to be presented in a form other than on printed paper.
An acceptable standard of accessibility, usability and
reliability must be assured.