на чём основано сие утверждение?
На том, что написано в MPD и MRBR:
This Boeing 767 Maintenance Planning Data (MPD) document provides maintenance planning information necessary for each 767 operator to develop a
customized scheduled maintenance program. This document lists all
Boeing recommended scheduled maintenance tasks <...>
The Boeing recommended scheduled maintenance tasks outlined in this document are applicable to current production and existing 767 airplanes as follows <...>
The Scheduled Maintenance Tasks in this document should not be considered as all-inclusive. Each individual airline has final responsibility to decide what to
do and when to do it except for those maintenance requirements identified as "Airworthiness Limitations" (AWLs) or "Certification Maintenance
Requirements" (CMRs). Temporary requirements in the form of Service Letters, Service Bulletins and Airworthiness Directives are the responsibility of the
individual airline to incorporate. Maintenance Tasks recommended in engine, APU, and vendor manuals should also be considered.
This Maintenance Review Board (MRB) Report outlines the
initial minimum scheduled maintenance/inspection
requirements to be used in the
development of an approved continuous airworthiness maintenance program for airframe, engines, systems and components of the Boeing 767-200,
767-300 and 767-400 series aircraft.