I'd like to make a small correction though.It seems the Mi-8 you mentioned above is in fact a Cape Verdean example, not Guinean. It has the same scheme as the ones dumped at Praia IAP, Cape Verde, as can be seen in this image scanned from a Portuguese newspaper
Some more also :
Firstly, I really appreciate it sharing that wonderful image of what looked to be all grounded for good with me.:diablo: In my thought, You got confused as It simply happened to look to you like Cabo verde's Mi-17 Hips by coincidence that can be found dumped at the Praia IAP. Don't be fooled by its close similarity in appearance, and wash your mind. I'm a bit sure that it's got nothing do to with Cabo Verde.:dev2: Somehow, I hope that the website that I took this image from would prove that it actually belongs to Guinea Bissau, not Cabo Verde.:cool: