В Перу разбился МиГ-29 Перуанских ВВС.
A MiG-29 of the Fuerza Aérea del Perú (FAP, Peru Air Force) crashed.
Around 09:17 hrs (local time) on 29 March 2019, one of the eigth strong MiG-29 fleet of the FAP crashed in Pampas de Reque, in province of Chiclayo. The pilot aircraft, Omar Menacho García, that is based at BA Cap. José Abelardo Quiñonez Gonzalez, Fuerza Aérea del Perú , managed to turn his aircraft away from a populated area and ejected safely above a remote area.
A MiG-29 of the Fuerza Aérea del Perú (FAP, Peru Air Force) crashed.
Around 09:17 hrs (local time) on 29 March 2019, one of the eigth strong MiG-29 fleet of the FAP crashed in Pampas de Reque, in province of Chiclayo. The pilot aircraft, Omar Menacho García, that is based at BA Cap. José Abelardo Quiñonez Gonzalez, Fuerza Aérea del Perú , managed to turn his aircraft away from a populated area and ejected safely above a remote area.