Расследование завершено Катастрофа самолета Airbus A330 F-GZCP над Атлантическим океаном 01.06.2009

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Исчезнувший самолет Air France выходил на связь вблизи Сенегала

Пассажирский авиалайнер Airbus330 авиакомпании Air France, исчезнувший над Атлантикой, в последний раз выходил на связь с бразильскими авиадиспетчерами, пролетая недалеко от Сенегала, информирует в понедельник агентство EFE.
Командование ВВС Бразилии сообщило в коммюнике, что экипаж связался с диспетчерами в момент, когда самолет собирался войти в воздушное пространство Сенегала.
Между тем, сообщается, что марокканские и канарские станции слежения не зафиксировали пролет этого борта.
Спасатели начали операцию по поиску авиалайнера в районе бразильского острова Фернанду-ди-Норонья в 365 км от материка. В поисках принимают участие самолеты бразильских ВВС.
Последнее сообщение от AirFrance:
Paris, 01 juin 2009 - 15h41 heure locale
Communiqué N° 3

Air France a communiqué au Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses pour la sécurité de l’aviation civile (BEA), organisme chargé pour la France des enquêtes techniques sur les accidents et incidents dans l'aviation civile, et à Airbus, constructeur de l’avion, l’ensemble des informations en sa possession après la disparition du vol AF 447 effectuant la liaison Rio de Janeiro – Paris-Charles de Gaulle : la compagnie est en contact permanent avec le BEA et Airbus.

L’appareil de type Airbus A330-200, immatriculé F-GZCP, a quitté Rio le 31 mai à 19h03 heure locale (00h03 heure de Paris). L’appareil a traversé une zone orageuse avec fortes turbulences à 2 heures du matin (heure universelle), soit 4h00 heure de Paris. Un message automatique a été émis à 2h14 (4h14 heure de Paris) indiquant une panne de circuit électrique dans une zone éloignée de la côte.

L’appareil est équipé de moteurs General Electric CF6-80E.

L’avion totalise 18 870 heures de vol et a été mis en service le 18 avril 2005.

Sa dernière visite d’entretien en hangar date du 16 avril 2009.

Air France partage l’émotion et l’inquiétude des familles concernées. Les proches sont reçus dans un endroit spécialement réservé à l’aérogare de Paris-Charles de Gaulle 2.
Просьба всех выкладывающих сообщения на французском,переводить сообщения,либо если есть возможность,то выкладывать на англ.языке.Спасибо!
Paris, 01 June 2009 - 15:59 local time
Press release N° 3

Air France has sent all the information in its possession on the disappearance of flight AF 447 operating the Rio de Janeiro – Paris-Charles de Gaulle route to the French Accident Investigation Bureau for civil aviation (BEA), the French organization in charge of technical investigations into civil aviation incidents and accidents, and to the aircraft manufacturer Airbus. Air France is in permanent contact with the BEA and Airbus.

The Airbus A330-200 aircraft, registration F-GZCP, left Rio on 31 May at 7:03pm local time (12:03am in Paris). The aircraft hit a zone of stormy weather with strong turbulence at 2am this morning (universal time), i.e. 4am in Paris. An automatic message was received from the aircraft at 2:14am (4:14am in Paris) indicating a failure in the electric circuit in an area a long way off the coast.

The aircraft was powered with General Electric CF6-80E engines.

The aircraft had totalled 18,870 flight hours and went into service on 18 April 2005.

Its last maintenance check in the hangar took place on 16 April 2009.

Air France shares the anxiety and distress of the families concerned. The families are being taken care of in a specially reserved area of Paris-Charles de Gaulle Terminal 2.

A toll-free number has been opened at 0800 800 812 in France,

at 0800 881 20 20 in Brazil

and + 33 1 57 02 10 55 for calls from outside France.

NB: We ask journalists not to call this number, which is reserved for families and close relatives.
10 минут назад Эр Франс выразил глубокие соболезнования родственникам пассажиров.
Communiqué N° 4

Air France adresse ses sincères condoléances aux familles et aux proches des passagers et membres d’équipage qui se trouvaient à bord du vol AF 447 du 31 mai 2009, disparu entre Rio de Janeiro et Paris-Charles de Gaulle.

Air France met tout en œuvre pour soutenir les familles et les proches : une assistance psychologique a été mise en place à l’aéroport de Paris-Charles de Gaulle 2 et à l’aéroport de Rio de Janeiro. Elle est composée de médecins et de psychologues ainsi que de volontaires de la compagnie, spécialement formés.

La compagnie a également mis en place un numéro d’appel spécial à l’attention des familles des passagers. Elle les informe, à leur demande, de l’éventuelle présence à bord d’un proche.
PARIS (Reuters) - An Air France plane with 228 people on board was presumed to have crashed into the Atlantic Ocean on Monday after hitting heavy turbulence on a flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.
Air France said the Airbus flew into stormy weather four hours after its scheduled take-off from the Brazilian city and shortly afterwards sent an automatic message reporting electrical faults.
Company spokesman Francois Brousse said several of the plane's mechanisms had malfunctioned, preventing it from making contact with air traffic controllers.
"It is probably a combination of circumstances that could have led to the crash," he said.
The airliner might have been hit by lightning, he said.
The Brazilian air force said the plane was far out over the sea when it went missing. Military planes took off from both Brazil and Africa to hunt for it.
Flight AF 447 left Rio de Janeiro on Sunday at 7 p.m. (2200 GMT) and had been expected to land at Paris's Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport on Monday at 11:15 a.m. (0915 GMT).
The carrier said 216 passengers were on board, including seven children and one baby, and 12 crew members. Air France said the pilots were highly experienced.
Tearful relatives and friends were led away by airport staff after they arrived at Roissy expecting to greet the passengers.
About 20 relatives of passengers on board the flight arrived at Rio's Galeao airport on Monday morning seeking information after hearing news of its disappearance.
Bernardo Souza, who said his brother and sister-in-law were on the flight, complained he had received no details from Air France.
"I had to come to the airport but when I arrived I just found an empty balcony." he said. "With a lack of information, it is even more worrying."
Senior French government minister Jean-Louis Borloo ruled out the possibility of a hijacking.
"It's an awful tragedy," he told France Info radio.
If no survivors are found it will be the worst loss of life involving an Air France plane in the firm's 75-year history.

Press release N° 4

Air France expresses its deepest sympathy to the relatives and friends of the passengers and crew who were on board AF flight 447 on 31 May 2009, which disappeared somewhere between Rio de Janeiro and Paris-Charles de Gaulle.

Air France is doing its utmost to provide support to relatives and friends: counselling with physicians and psychologists as well as specially trained Air France volunteers has been set up at the airports of Paris-Charles de Gaulle 2 and Rio de Janeiro.

Air France has also established a special toll-free number for the attention of relatives and friends of passengers who may have been on board. They can use this number to obtain information on whether or not a member of their family or friends were on board.

Phone number reserved for relatives and friends

0800 800 812 in France,

0800 881 20 20 in Brazil,

and + 33 1 57 02 10 55 for calls from all other countries.

Air France will release further information as soon as it is available.
пока инфоромация есть по
40 французова
25 немцев
6 датчан
5 итальянцев
3 мароканцев
2 ливанцев
остальные бразильцы
это без экипажа
У меня жена работает в авиаперевозках, говорит - очень популярный рейс. Твою ж мать, что ни лето - то катастрофа.............................................

Bisontin, еще 145...............................
Ужас..... Последнее время с Эрбасами что-то неладное твориться... Вспомните: Средиземное море, гудзон........

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