А какие действия предусмотрены на БОинге при сбежавшем стабилизаторе?
1. Control column ............... Hold firmly
2. Autopilot...........................Disengage
Do NOT re-engage the autopilot
Control pitch attitude manually with
control column and main elec trim as needed.
3. Autothrottle.......................Disengage
4. If the runaway stops after the autopilot is disengaged............ Go to QRH
5. If the runaway continues after the autopilot is disengaged
Stab Trim Cutout Switches (Both)..................Cutout
If the runaway continues:
Stab trim wheel............................................Grasp and hold. Trim manually
Go to QRH.
(Источник: barney captain с форума airliners.net)